Player of the Match - 21 November 2021U7 Titans Charlie U14 Flames Thomas U16 Girls Ruby U16 Spitfires Davey
Goal Scorers - 21 November 2021U7 Titans Charlie 2 Max 1 Arthur 1 U14 Flames Martin 2 Aodhan 1 Thomas 1 U16 Girls Libby 3 Eve 1 Sumaiya 1 U16 Spitfires Davey 1 Freddie...
Player of the Match - 14 November 2021U7 Vikings Lewis U7 Titans Arthur Mason U8 Spartans Harrison Lucas Nathan U14 Flames Alfie U16 Girls Scarlett U16 Spitfires Freddie JonJon
Goal Scorers - 14 November 2021U7 Vikings Jovan 3 Lewis 2 Ollie 1 Nathan 1 U7 Titans Arthur 3 Max 2 Jacob 1 U8 Spartans Harrison 1 Jervani 1 Chigwell Wildcats Miley 1...
Goal Scorers - 7 Novemver 2021U8 Spartans Harrison 4 Dion 1 Jervani 1 Lucas 1 U14 Flames Thomas Jayden U16 Girls Libby 3 Katie 2 Lucy 1 O35 Vets Sharkie 1 Russell 2
Player of the Match - 7 November 2021U8 Spartans Harrison U14 Flames Alfie U16 Girls Millie U16 Spitfires JonJon Freddie Chigwell Ladies Tina O35 Vets Jimmy
Player of the Match - 24 October 2021U7 Titans Max U16 Tornados Janaide U16 Spitfires Dom Freddie Jack Chigwell Ladies Izzy
Goal Scorers - 24 October 2021U7 Titans Max 5 Arthur 2 Charlie 1 Alfie 1 U16 Tornados Egerman 1 Brad 1 Jayden 1 U16 Spitfires Moises 3 Davey 2 Kledion 1 Chigwell...
Goal Scorers - 17 October 2021U7 Titans Max 2 Alfie 1 Arthur 1 U8 Spartans Harrison 2 Guanghan 2 Jervani 1 Lucas 1 U8 Trojans Sebastian 2 Albie 1 Arthur 1 U11 Wolves...
Player of the Match - 17 October 2021U7 Titans Mason U8 Spartans Luca U8 Trojans Sebastian U11 Wolves Harry B U16 Spitfires Henry Kledion U16 Girls Lily
Player of the Match - 10 October 2021U7 Titans Charlie U11 Wolves Alfie U12 Jaguars Reggie U14 Flames Martin U16 Tornados Team Performance U16 Spitfires Joe Chigwell Ladies...
Goal Scorers - 10 October 2021U7 Titans Arthur 6 Max 4 Jacob 1 U11 Wolves Harry 1 Teddy 1 U12 Jaguars George 3 U14 Flames Martin 4 Remi 1 U16 Tornados Callum 1 Egerman...
Player of the Match - 3 October 2021U7 Titans Team Performance U8 Spartans Jervani U11 Wolves Stanley U12 Jaguars George U13 Rebels Nirusigan Joseph U14 Flames Jerome U16...