Tel: 07787 533405
Football for boys and girls aged 5 to 18, including Chigwell Wildcats, Chigwell Squad Girls, Chigwell Ladies, O35 Vets, O35 Vets Res & O45 Vets
Club Secretary 07787 533405
Safeguarding Officer 07952 382150
Definition of a child: A child is an individual who is 18 years and under.
Definition of Abuse: Generally child abuse can be defined in the following way, emotional and/or sexual abuse, severe neglect and physical injury.
Contact person: When abuse is suspected, observed or notified, an individual must in the first instant inform the Chigwell Football Club Child Protection Officer (CPO), Greg Hunt:
The CPO in consultation with the Centre of Excellence Director will decide on whether or not to involve social services.
Indication that a Child may have been abused:
A physical injury e.g. bruises, scratches, teeth marks, and burns especially if the child cannot adequately explain justifiable reasons for such injuries
Lack of motivation, interest and general decline in enthusiasm
When a child observed developing a tendency towards isolationism and introversion
When another adult informs the coach or another member of staff that a child has been mistreated
When a child informs you of ill treatment to him/her or close peers.
Suggested course of action when confronted with a possible child abuse situation
Always treat the matter seriously and inform the CPO
React to the child with belief to what he/she tells you
Reassure the child
Tell only those who need to know eg The Child Protection Officer
Monitor the child carefully and keep an accurate record of what you have noticed and what you have done. Include dates and times.
Promising to keep the matter secret
Contacting parents
Do not interrogate children (it is not your job to investigate the matter)
Do not speak to anyone about whom allegations are made, even if the allegations are about a colleague.
All members of staff at Chigwell Football Club must also be aware that they may be prone to allegations of child abuse.
In light of this never engage or be party to the following:
Striking a child directly or with physical object
Shaking, shoving, spanking and other form of aggressive physical contact
Punishment from a child by another child or group of children, condoned by or at the instigation of staff
Requiring or forcing a child to take an uncomfortable position such as squatting, bending or standing against the wall
Requiring or forcing a child to repeat physical movement unless as part of their behaviour programme and therefore not punitive
Harsh, humiliating, belittling or degrading responses of any form including verbal, emotional or physical
Deprivation of what the child is entitled to or what is necessary for proper development care or treatment, including but not limited to food and shelter
Extensive withholding of emotional or structural response
Placing or keeping a child in a locked room
Requiring the child to remain silent for long periods of time
Mechanical or excessive physical restraint
Assignment of unduly physical, strenuous or harsh work
Try to avoid being alone in a vehicle with a child.
Useful Contact Details:
Chigwell FC Child Protection Officer:
Child Line (Free phone) 0800 1111
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline (Free phone) 0800 800 500